9th Reads: Ei8ht by Macy Filia (on Wattpad)

In honor of the #WattpadBooksAreRealBooksToo movement I wanted to review Ei8ht by Macy Filia.

He’s a player. She’s a pro at playing mind games. It’s a match made in heaven as they put each other through hell.

Till it stops.

Till what’s between them is stronger, madder, more explosive than any battle.

And that’s when another kind of war begins.


“Sometimes I dream about killing you,” he said.

I smiled. A lie. “Tough luck. In my dreams, you’re already dead.”

(Author’s note: New Adult. First draft. Cycle 1 + Cycle 2 = o + o = 8. Featured in Wattpad Romance’s New Adult reading list. Dark themes, but no alcohol, drugs or explicit violence. No cheating between the main characters either. They use other methods to mentally tear each other apart.)

The protagonists of Ei8ht are River and Beth. Both characters are impossibly flawed but inherently good people. Their emotional damage comes from similar but different backgrounds which eventually leads to serious issues between the two.

The Good: Macy is a brilliant writer who sets up feasible scenarios with her deep understanding of psychology. Personally, I made a connection with Beth as certain events in her life run parallel with mine. (Which, I guess, maybe isn’t so good but it was nice to be able to connect with a character on an emotional level.) Even though the relationship between the protagonists may seem toxic, you want them to open up to one another, to understand that the other person is capable of loving them wholeheartedly if they are given the opportunity.

The Bad: The level of realism in this novel may cause triggers in those who have experienced abandonment or emotionally abusive behavior from their parents or loved ones.

River and Beth summed up in a gif

Overall: Ei8ht is one of those books that you simply cannot miss out on reading. It is real and moving. You will find yourself wanting to shout at the characters, “BE HONEST!” or “TRUST HER/HIM!” Yet, at the same time you’ll find yourself crying with them or wanting to comfort them. This story is so well written that you cannot help but feel emotionally invested in it. If you are looking for an amazing read, look no further than Ei8ht by Macy Filia.